
Reading: Colossians 1:15-23

“It’s my turn!”
“Me first!”
“Ladies first!”

Everybody wants to be first.

But who is really FIRST?  Colossians says that Christ is first.

He was first-born ~ He was here before anything else was.  By Him, all things were created, even things we can’t see.

He is also “pre-eminent” ~ He has authority and power.  He rules over kings and presidents.  He is the head over His church.

Even though Christ deserves to be first, He came to earth and made Himself LAST.  He died so that we could have forgiveness.  It pleased God to do this and show us how much He loved us.

Have you learned the word “priority”?  To make something a priority means to give it first place in importance.  Christ should be a priority in our life, THE priority in our life, because He is our King, Creator, and Savior.

“Thanksgiving” was written by Bruce S. Wright and published in The Children’s Six Minutes in 1922.  The book is now out of print and in the public domain.


What does Thanksgiving mean to you? I hear one boy say, “It means a big dinner.” I think we all agree with him. Who does not welcome and enjoy a good dinner! I hear Mary say, “Thanksgiving means a day off from school.” I guess you are right too. School is not such a charming place that girls and boys are unwilling to have an occasional holiday.

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On Sacrifice

Reading: John 12:24-28

Jesus says we have to be willing to “hate” our lives for Him.  He is talking about giving up the things we love.  He is talking about sacrifice.  He wants us to love Him and to love others more than ourselves.

Jesus did not just sacrifice when He died on the cross.  He sacrificed every day when He taught, visited, encouraged, prayed for, and forgave others.  We can do those things too.

If we want to follow Christ, we will have to let our selfishness “die” by giving to others.  But Jesus said He has some gifts for us too:

  • we will “bear much fruit” – good things will happen because of our good works, we will feel good about ourselves, and we will be an example to others;
  • we will have eternal life in Heaven;
  • He will live with us;
  • the Father will honor us.

Think about these things the next time you are asked to put someone else’s needs before your own.  Giving may seem hard, but in the end it will be a great blessing for you and them.

“…remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”  (Acts 20:3)

The following is an excerpt from the story “The Wonderful Pocket.”  This tale can be found in the book, The Wonderful Pocket and Other Stories which was written in 1869 by Chauncey Giles.  Now out of print, the book can be read freely online.


One cold Christmas Eve, Charles Lee was sitting by the fire, looking earnestly at the coals as they burned cheerfully in the grate, sometimes sending out great volumes of smoke, and then bursting into flame, and lighting up the little room in which he was sitting, and making its naked walls look quite ruddy and cheerful. But none of its pleasant light entered Charles’ mind. He looked gloomy and sullen, and occasionally muttered something to himself as if he were angry at everybody. Read the rest of this entry »

Doing Good

Reading: Luke 6:27-38

The following tale is an excerpt from the story “Metempsychosis.”  This tale can be found in the book, The Wonderful Pocket and Other Stories which was written in 1869 by Chauncey Giles.  Now out of print, the book can be read freely online.  It is an interesting story that encourages young boys and girls to do good to others.


“O Father!” said little John Clive, “what is the meaning of this long, hard word?”

“What word?” asked his father.

“I cannot pronounce it. It is too long and hard for me,” said John… John brought the book to his father.

“That is metempsychosis.”

“Me-temp-sy-cho-sis,” said John, pronouncing it very slowly. “What a long, hard word! It must have a big meaning, I am sure. But I don’t see what they make such long, hard words for.”

“They make them to express ideas,” said his father.

“Well,” replied John,” metempsychosis must express a bigger idea than I ever had.”

“Very probable,” said his father; “but it contains a very interesting one, nevertheless; and when I have explained it to you, I will tell you a very strange dream I had about it last night.” Read the rest of this entry »

The Beattitudes

Reading: Matthew 5: 1-12

How to Be Happy was written by Lydia Sigourney and published in 1833. It is now out of print but may be read freely online.


It is easy to love the good. It is pleasant to love those who love us. It is possible to be kind to others, even if they are not kind to us. But we should try to love all human beings, because our Father in Heaven made them. They are his family. Read the rest of this entry »

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Depending on God

Reading: Proverbs 27:23-27

Imagine that you came home one day and there was no refrigerator in your home. Imagine that there was no pantry or cupboards. What you ate was whatever you could catch or find. How much would you trust in God if you didn’t know when you would eat again?

These verses in Proverbs show us a particular kind of wisdom, the kind that comes from knowing God will provide for us. It is the kind of wisdom that takes care of our blessings and makes the most of the riches around us. It is the kind of wisdom that is thankful for God’s bountiful care.

It is so easy for us to expect to be fed and clothed. We forget that the food piled up in our pantries and the many clothes hanging in our closets are because God has ordained for the earth to bring forth its growth every season, and for the animals to multiply and sustain us.

Wise children of God remember that His hand blesses them every single day. Do you have this kind of wisdom?


For Further Study:

  • Read Exodus 16:1-7. How did God teach the Israelites to depend on Him? In Matthew chapter 10, Christ sends his twelve disciples out to begin their work for Him. In verses 9-11, He gives them some commandments about how they will be cared for during their journeys. Why do you think they can’t take anything with them?


  • Read Philippians 4:10-19, especially verse 19. How will our attitude about our riches influence the way we help and share with others?


  • Imagine you only have one shelf in your refrigerator and one shelf in your pantry. Imagine you only have room for three outfits in your closet, and one pair of shoes. What could you live without? What would you try to keep?

Thank You God

This song teaches thankfulness for God’s many blessings.  It can be used with different props and pictures depending on the subject upon which you want to focus.

(Tune: Mary had a little lamb)

Thank you God for food to eat, food to eat, food to eat,

Thank you God for food to eat,

You gave me what I need.

(In place of “food to eat,” you can substitute: families to love, flowers that grow, birds that sing, all my toys, books to read, etc.)

Posted in Contentment/Thankfulness, Family, Hope, Jealousy, Joy, Love, Loves children, Songs for children. Comments Off on Thank You God